Datum und Uhrzeit
8. Dezem­ber – 14. Dezem­ber

Wei­te­re Infor­ma­tio­nen zum Event und zur Anmeldung: 

You love high speed and cars? Then, can you tell me what is the simi­la­ri­ty of USA, Japan, South Korea and Ger­ma­ny? They belong to the Top Nati­ons in the car indus­try. And why should you fly over 13 hours over­sea just to see the modern car pro­duc­tion plants and get in touch with your favo­ri­te employers?
Take part of our event and you will get to know BMW, Volks­wa­gen and Daim­ler, 3 big play­ers in the car indus­try. Bes­i­des you will visit 3 big cities in 3 dif­fe­rent fede­ral sta­tes: Dres­den (Sax­o­ny), Braun­schweig (Lower Sax­o­ny) and Bre­men as its­elf. In addi­ti­on to that, don’t for­get the famous Ger­man Christ­mas Fairs and the legen­da­ry Stra­ba Par­ty. So, what are you wai­ting for?

The Dead­line for appli­ca­ti­on is on Novem­ber, 15th!

Cont­act us for more information.